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Bay Area Chess - Summer Camps

Strategy Camps



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    Strategy Camp - What is this?

    This camp specializes in problem solving, and trains kids to use the three forms of strategy (logical / operational / transformational) to breakdown and solve a problem.

    We will be playing, constructing and deconstructing strategy-based games (board games and various others), address pattern recognition, apply creative thinking, be introduced to game theory, deductive reasoning, basic math applications (achieving bonuses by understanding basic statistics/probability), interactive cooperation, the process of dissecting information and enjoying massive amounts of themed puzzles and projects. 

    EVERYTHING will be under the umbrella of educational learning and FUN!  

    The kids will be able to make their own board game to take home using base materials that we provide.

    Target age for this camp are 7 years old and up. This is a perfect combination of learning, inspiring creative analytical skills and having fun!

    Strategy Camp - When is this?

    We are offering this brand new Strategy Camp during two weeks in the upcoming summer at two different locations:
    July 11 - 15 @ St. Leo the Great School in San Jose
    July 25 - 29 @ Menlo College

    This camp is designed to be a 4 hour camp, and we will be offering this as a morning camp.
    If you are looking for a full day camp, you can easily combine this with a chess afternoon camp.

    Please, register early as spots are limitied.
    www.bayareachess.com/my/camp and select the location & week and find the option for Strategy camp.

    Strategy Camp - Who is teaching it?

    Coach James Bethany is one of the lead coach for both weeks:
    He was a Board game designer, selling 11 titles (2002-2007), a Web-Host Game Moderator (2009-2010), Project-Application Game Tester for FaceBook (2010), Qualifier for Monopoly National Championships (2012), World Champion at Online Risk (2013) and a Senior Lead Chess-Instructor (Current).

    Coach Wolfgang Behm is the other lead coach:
    He has many years of experience with board games, and teaching kids as an efficient way to boost creative thinking.