2020 CM Azhar Youth Chess Championship
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054
This tournament is best suited for Youth (K-Gr12) rated under 1200 who prefer short time controls. The time control is 5 SS, G/30 d5.
Adults and advanced youth (ratings 1000 & higher) who prefer long time controls, please consider the New Year Championship on January 3-5 (see details)
Sections & Prizes
Trophies: Top 20 with + score, top 10 teams, & top 10 clubs, in each section. Medals for others.
Top 4 players count for team score.
6 sections (u200, 200-399, 400-599, 600-799, 800-999, 1000-1199)
January 2020 Supp & TD discretion will be used to place players accurately.
Schedule & Fees
Time Control: 5SS x G/30 d5
Onsite Registration: 9-9:30am
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 10am 11:45am 1:30pm 3pm 4:30pm
Entry Fee:
by 12/28: $52
12/29-1/4: $67
Onsite: $70
Play-up Fee: $15
Change Fee: $5
within 24 hours: $20
Refund/Cancel Fee: $15
Each player can request two 1/2-point byes.
Byes must be requested before the start of the first round.
TDs and Organizers
Tournament Directors:
National TD Tom Langland, Senior TD Jordan Langland and others
Organizers (Contact organizer)
Dr. Salman Azhar