Latest Chess Life Magazine Features Executive Profile and 4 Top Local Juniors
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
BayAreaChess Elite Team member Alan Hung was the 2017 US Chess Junior Grand Prix winner, while 2 other local players - brothers - placed in the top 5, it was announced in the February 2018 issue of Chess Life magazine.
The latest issue of the USCF magazine also profiles BAC Executive Director Judit Sztaray and features the regular instructional column from BAC Elite Team coach and San Jose Hackers player, GM Daniel Naroditsky.
Hung garnered 11,206 points competing in and winning junior tournaments, according to the article on page 48. Hung wins a Diamond membership and merchandise worth $200, free entry into the U.S. Open tournament, and $1,000 of expense money.
Brothers Shaashwath and Shaaketh Sivakumar placed 3rd and 4th place, with nearly 10,000 points each. Anika Rajaram was the northern California regional winner, with more than 8,000 points.
All four are frequent participants in tournaments held by BayAreaChess, which held nearly 200 open and junior-only events last year, and has been largest USCF club west of Texas by tournaments for the last 8 years.
In the overall Grand Prix standings, BAC coach GM Enrico Sevilliano placed 15th, while BAC 2017 tournament MVP GM Conrad Holt placed 13th. Other frequent BAC tournament competitors in the top list included GM Illia Nyzhnyk (#9), GM Timur Gareyev (#11), and IM John Daniel Bryant (#12).
BAC Director Sztaray was profiled in the "Faces Across the Board" column on page 11, honored for her 2017 award as Chess Organizer of the Year.
Finally, check out Naroditsky's column on page 46. Click on the link up top or read the print magazine!
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