Bay Area
Chess 4 Less
Recurring Event for K-12 students where you
always get $6-12 discount
Bay Area Chess is pleased to offer high speed wifi access to players, parents, directors, and coaches who enjoy out tournaments.
(Players may register for one or multiple events)
For adults & advanced kids, please click here.
Nov 16 - Dec 21
(2014: Jan 18 - Feb 22 - Mar 15 - Apr 19 - May 17 - Jun 21 - July 19)
@ Bay Area Chess Center, 1639A S Main Street, Milpitas, CA 95035 (map)
Chess 4 Less
Recurring Event for K-12 students where you
always get $6-12 discount
Bay Area Chess is pleased to offer high speed wifi access to players, parents, directors, and coaches who enjoy out tournaments.
(Players may register for one or multiple events)
For adults & advanced kids, please click here.
(2014: Jan 18 - Feb 22 - Mar 15 - Apr 19 - May 17 - Jun 21 - July 19)
@ Bay Area Chess Center, 1639A S Main Street, Milpitas, CA 95035 (map)
Medals to all players who do not earn trophies
register online Mail entries to: Bay Area Chess, 1639A South Main St, Milpitas, CA 95035 | Tel: 408.409.6596 | Click here for web contact

Chief Organizer: Salman Azhar, Ph.D. (Sr. TD)Chief TD: Tom Langland (Sr. TD)
Other TDs: Aamir Azhar, Kerry Lawless, Jordan Langland, Steele Langland, Swaminathan Sankar, & others.
Tournament Prizes
Trophies to players with a winning record in Swiss and Quads. In Swiss, teams with a winning record also get a trophy. Players may play in one tournament of the series and still qualify for trophies for that tournament.
Swiss: Registration 9:30-10am, Games 10:15am to 1-2pm.Quads: Registration / mandatory check-in 2:15-2:30p, Games 2:50 to ~ 5p.
Time control: G/30 d5 (Non-rated Quads are G/20 d0). Looking for longer time controls? See SuperSwiss.
USCF Membership is required for all sections except Unrated Quads. Please buy or renew with us for your convenience and ours.
Swiss: 2 or 3 Sections based on latest monthly supplement rating (or TD discretion)Quads: Groups of 4 players based on latest available rating
Entry Fees
Single Tournament Entry: Swiss $19 and Quads $19 (if you register at least 2 days before each tourney date - onsite $15 more)Discounted Entry for Multiple Tournaments: $5 for 2, $10 for 3, $20 for 4, $30 for 5, $40 for 6, $50 for 7, and $60 for 8 tourneys, respectively.
Orientation Information
Most Chess4Less Saturdays, we offer four kids tournaments (and likely one tournament that is open to adults called Saturday Knight). The kids tournaments are: Swiss, Quads, and Non-rated Quads. Elite Swiss is replaced by Super$wiss. 1. Swiss are in the morning: in the normal ("regular") swiss any kid play (as long as they are rated over 1400).
It starts at 10am and ends around 1-2pm. It follows the swiss tournament rules. The time control is G30, so each player gets 30 minutes. There is usually 4 rounds.
2. The EliteSwiss is replaced by Super$wiss by popular demand. The Elite swiss was a special tournament for more advanced kids, rating is usually higher than 800 only. This setting allows them for a longer game, G45, and so they can practice the longer concentration, thinking ahead more and more. We have started this based on parent feedback but subsequently, parents "voted"; for even longer time controls.
3. In the afternoon you can join us for Quads. In this type, kids are grouped according to their rating, usually in groups of 4. This is a round robin, meaning everyone plays with everyone. Check-in is at 2:15-2:30pm and ends a bit around 5pm. The time control is again G30.
4. Non-rated Quads are identical to Quads but they not rated.