** New format starting from December 2019
Sections & Prizes$6,000 b/117 entries - 60% guaranteed!
GPP 60 (Enhanced)
3 Sections
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
Class Prizes |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
MX (2000+) FIDE |
$1,000 |
$500 |
$200 |
under 2300> |
$400 |
$200 |
$100 |
AB (1600-1999) |
$700 |
$300 |
$100 |
under 1800> |
$400 |
$200 |
$100 |
CDEu (under 1600 & unr) |
$600 |
$300 |
$100 |
under 1400> under 1200> |
$300 $300 |
$100 $100 |
Unrated players prize capped at $200, except Open section.
Byes: Maximum two 1/2 point byes can be requested.
Any 1/2 pt byes for the last two rounds must be requested before the start of Round 1
For all prizes above $600, please fill in the IRS Form W9 (www.bayareachess.com/fw9) and email it back to us.
If you are a non-resident alien, we must withhold and send to the IRS 30% of your prize. If you have obtained a US Social Security or Tax ID number, please fill in the IRS Form 8233 (www.bayareachess.com/f8233) and email it back to us.
Your immediate attention is greatly appreciated and will ensure that you'll get your prize check asap.
Time Control: 5SS G/90 +30
Registration |
Round 1 |
Round 2 |
Round 3 |
Round 4 |
Round 5 |
Sat 9-9:15a |
Sat 9:30a |
Sat 1:50p |
Sat 6:10p
Sun 10a |
Sun 2:30p
Entry Fee: $99
Economy Entry Fee: $79
Few notes on Economy Entry Fee: 1) No Econ allowed in the Open section due to USCF GPP rules.
2) If you choose economy entry fee, and if you win any prize money, only 50% of the amount you won will be paid out to you
3) It must be finalized before Round 1 starts.
Re-entry fee: $59 (49 if econ registration fee was purchased originally)
Playup: +$25
(there can not be more than 200 point rating difference between the player's supplement and the requested sections' lowest rating)
Late Fee: +$21
(Applied if capacity has reached 80%, unless stated otherwise)
Players with GM/IM/WGM/WIM titles free entry 10 days prior
(Entry Fee will be deducted from any prize money won)