• [Updated 3/10/2020 4:54pm - Expect an update on 3/12/20 before 7pm]
    Executive Summary:
    The State Championship is postponed to May 30-31 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. We will track the COVID-19 situation and make adjustment to that date if necessary. Please use Credit Choices Form to indicate how you want your fees to be credited.
    1. The State Championship is now under 1,000 so contractually we were obligated to hold the event. This was a painful financial decision and the two main factors that guided me during the decision are:
      • The safety of parents, coaches, and children in the high-risk group.
      • The State Championship title should not be decided based on health-risk conditions.
    2. I empathize with hundreds of players who wanted to play this weekend because I wanted to soldier on as well. However, May 30-31 became available and I booked it after consultation several coaches, along with BayAreaChess and CalChess leaders.
    3. We are taking down the registration and working on a way to handle the current entries fairly. Most likely this means transferring the current entries to the new date without cancelation and/or late fee (refunding fees where necessary). Please give us a few days to catch our breath.
    4. In related news, BayAreaChess is limiting tournaments to its San Jose office and Cupertino for the months of March and April.
    5. Some memorable quotes during this time:
      • "[This year may be a lost cause,] we are auditioning for next year now." ~James Bethany (Director of Enrichment at BayAreaChess)
      • "We are overwhelmed with emails." ~Zarina Azman (Director of Operations at BayAreaChess)
      • "Wishing you wisdom and patience during these difficult times." ~Michael Fpawn Aigner (CalChess Hall for Famer)
      • "Interesting idea." Tom Langland (President CalChess)
      • "Let's see what happens today." Salman Azhar (Chief Organizer)

    Much love to each and every one of you!
    Salman Azhar, Chief Organizer CalChess Scholastic Super States (2008-2013, 2020-?)
  • Official State Championship Event

    Come enjoy the largest chess event in California that draws over 1200 enthusiastic chess players every year.
    There is a section for every level and age.
    Authorized by CalChess and US Chess Federation (USCF)!
    The winners of this event will be crowned State Champions!
  • Prizes & Awards

    • Trophies to all players with a winning record
    • Medals to all players who do not get a trophy
    • Trophies to all schools with 2 or more players*
    • Trophies to all clubs with 2 or more players*
    *A team is 2 or more players from a school or a club in the same section. A team's scores is the sum of its top 4 players' scores. A player can play for a school as well as a club. Every team gets a trophy.
  • What's New This Year

    • Childcare Service is available for a limited beta (25 children). You may to drop your child(ren) in the morning and return for awards. Estimated cost for this service is $40-50. We will handle all orientation and registration headaches. Please apply using the Concierge Service Form .
    • K-6 Players rated under 500 (and unrated) may play on either Saturday or Sunday or both days (for ½ price on the second day).
    • 1-3 Players rated 500-799 may play in 1-3 JV on Saturday and 4-6 JV on Sunday (for ½ price on the second day).
    • KG Championship section is on Sunday instead of Saturday.
  • General Schedule

    • Grades 1-3 Junior Varsity (JV - rated 500-799) is on Saturday only.
    • KG, Grades 4-6 Junior Varsity (JV - rated 500-799) is on Sunday only.
    • 1-3 Championship, 4-5 Championship, 4-6 Championship, 6-8 Championship, and 9-12 Championship must play on both Saturday & Sunday.
    • 6-8 Junior Varsity (JV - rated 800-1199) and 9-12 Junior Varsity (JV - rated 800-1599) must play on both Saturday & Sunday.
    • Blitz is on Saturday 7:15-9:15pm*.
    • Bughouse is on Sunday 7:15-9:15pm*.
    * New day/time information.
    See detailed schedule below.
  • Parent, Coaches, Organizers, Directors, & Feedback Meeting

    Sun 1:15-2:15pm in Room 211
    This meeting is an opportunity for you to present feedback about this event and also have your say in suggestions for future years.
  • Section Start & End Times

    KG Championship Sun 9am-6pm
    Grades 1-3
    1-3 Rookie (unrated)
    1-3 Beginner (100-249)
    1-3 Intermediate (250-499)
    Sat 9am-6pm OR
    Sun 9am-6pm
    1-3 Jr. Varsity (500-799) Sat 9am-6pm
    1-3 Championship (800+) Sat 10am-7pm AND
    Sun 9am-6pm
    Grades 4-6
    4-6 Rookie (unrated)
    4-6 Intermediate (100-499)
    Sat 9am-6pm OR
    Sun 9am-6pm
    4-6 Jr. Varsity (500-799) Sun 9am-6pm
    4-5 Championship (800+)
    4-6 Championship (800+)
    Sat 10am-7pm AND
    Sun 9am-6pm
    Grades 6-12
    6-12 Rookie (unrated) Sat 9am-6pm OR
    Sun 9am-6pm
    6-8 Intermediate (100-799) Sat 9am-6pm OR
    Sun 9am-6pm
    6-8 Jr. Varsity (800-1199)
    6-8 Championship (1200+)
    Sat 10am-7pm AND
    Sun 9am-6pm
    9-12 Intermediate (100-799) Sat 9am-6pm OR
    Sun 9am-6pm
    9-12 Jr. Varsity (800-1599) Sat 10am-7pm AND
    Sun 9am-6pm
    9-12 Championship (1600+) Sat 9am-10pm AND
    Sun 10:30am-6pm

    Blitz & Bughouse: Fun for Everyone!
    Blitz Saturday 7:15-9:15pm*
    Bughouse Sunday 7:15-9:15pm*
  • Time Controls

    1. All 1-day sections are G/30 d5 on either Saturday or Sunday
    2. All 2-day Jr. Varsity sections (6-8 JV & 9-12 JV are G/65 d5
    3. 1-3 & 4-5 Championship are G/70 d5
    4. 4-6 & 6-8 Championship are G/75 d5
    5. 9-12 Championship is G/90 +30

    Schedule Details

    One-Day Sections (Saturday OR Sunday)
    Registration Games
    Sat 7:45 - 8:15am Sat 9:15am - 11:15am
    1:15pm - 3:00pm - 4:45pm
    Sun 7:45 - 8:15am Sun 9:15am - 11:15am
    1:15pm - 3:00pm - 4:45pm

    Two-Day Sections (Saturday & Sunday)
    Registration Games
    Sat 10-10:30a Sat 10:00am - 1:15pm - 4:30pm &
    Sun 9am - 12:15pm - 3:30pm

    Two-Day Sections FIDE Section
    (Saturday & Sunday)
    Registration Games
    Sat 8-8:30a Sat 9am - 1:30pm - 6pm &
    Sun 10:30am - 3pm

    Blitz (Saturday)
    Registration Games
    Saturday 6-6:45 p Saturday 7:15-9:15 p
    Bughouse (Sunday)
    Registration Games
    Sunday 6-6:45 p Sunday 7:15-9:15 p
  • Section Recommendations

    Sections are based on players' grade and rating. Please find/confirm players' rating by searching for their name at www.bayareachess.com/uscfid and then clicking on the name. (After March 1, you will need to click on the "Tnmt. Hst" tab and then finding "Reg Rtg" as of Jan 15, 2020.)
    Optional: Some players "play-up" ("level-up") by playing up in a higher rate section than their rating (requires $15 play-up fee). Note: Playing in a section with higher grade range is FREE!
    Got questions? See FAQ.
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated KG Championship: Sunday KG Championship: Sunday &
    1-3 Rookie: Saturday (1)
    100-249 KG Championship: Sunday &
    1-3 Beginner: Saturday (1)
    250-499 KG Championship: Sunday &
    1-3 Intermediate: Saturday (1)
    500-799 KG Championship: Sunday &
    1-3 JV: Saturday (1)
    800+ KG Championship: Sunday &
    1-3 Championship: Saturday (1, 2)
    Grades 1-3
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated 1-3 Rookie: Saturday or Sunday 1-3 Rookie: Saturday &
    1-3 Rookie: Sunday (1)
    100-249 1-3 Beginner: Saturday or Sunday 1-3 Beginner: Saturday &
    1-3 Beginner: Sunday (1)
    250-499 1-3 Intermediate: Saturday or Sunday 1-3 Intermediate: Saturday &
    1-3 Intermediate: Sunday (1)
    500-799 1-3 JV: Saturday 1-3 JV: Saturday &
    4-6 JV: Sunday (1)
    800+ N/A 1-3 Championship: Saturday & Sunday
    Grades 4-5
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated 4-6 Rookie: Saturday or Sunday 4-6 Rookie: Saturday & 4-6 Rookie: Sunday (1)
    100-499 4-6 Beginner: Saturday or Sunday 4-6 Beginner: Saturday & 4-6 Beginner: Sunday (1)
    500-799 4-6 JV: Sunday 4-6 JV: Sunday & 6-8 Intermediate: Saturday (1)
    800+ N/A 4-5 Championship or 4-6 Championship:
    both are Saturday & Sunday
    Grades 6 (in Elementary School)
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated 4-6 Rookie: Saturday or Sunday 4-6 Rookie: Saturday & 4-6 Rookie: Sunday (1)
    100-499 4-6 Beginner: Saturday or Sunday 4-6 Beginner: Saturday & 4-6 Beginner: Sunday (1)
    500-799 4-6 JV: Sunday 4-6 JV: Sunday & 6-8 Intermediate: Saturday (1)
    800+ N/A 4-6 Championship: Saturday & Sunday
    Grades 6 (not in Elementary School)
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated 6-12 Rookie (or 4-6 Rookie):
    Saturday or Sunday
    6-12 Rookie (or 4-6 Rookie): Saturday &
    6-12 Rookie (or 4-6 Rookie): Sunday (1)
    100-499 6-8 Intermediate or (4-6 Beginner):
    Saturday or Sunday
    6-8 Intermediate (or 4-6 Beginner):
    Saturday & Sunday (1)
    500-799 6-8 Intermediate (or 4-6 JV):
    Saturday or Sunday
    6-8 Intermediate: Saturday or Sunday
    & 4-6 JV: Sunday (1)
    800-1199 N/A 6-8 JV (or 4-6 Championship): Saturday & Sunday
    1200+ N/A 6-8 Championship (or 4-6 Championship):
    Saturday & Sunday
    Grades 7-8
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated 6-12 Rookie: Saturday or Sunday 6-12 Rookie: Saturday & Sunday (1)
    100-799 6-8 Intermediate: Saturday or Sunday 6-8 Intermediate: Saturday & Sunday (1)
    800-1199 N/A 6-8 JV: Saturday & Sunday
    1200+ N/A 6-8 Championship: Saturday & Sunday
    Grades 9-12
    Rating 1-day Recommendation 2-day Recommendation
    unrated 6-12 Rookie: Saturday or Sunday 6-12 Rookie: Saturday & Sunday (1)
    100-799 9-12 Intermediate: Saturday or Sunday 9-12 Intermediate: Saturday & Sunday (1)
    800-1599 N/A 9-12 JV: Saturday & Sunday
    1600+ N/A 9-12 Championship: Saturday & Sunday
    1. Players compete in 2 separate tournament double their chance because they will get trophies/medals on both days.
    2. Players will get 1 point for 3 unplayed games on Sunday
    3. If your school goes up to 5th grade only: 4-5 Championship: Saturday & Sunday
      If your school goes beyond 5th grade: 4-6 Championship: Saturday & Sunday
  • Trophy Handling Service

    If you unable to accept your trophy during the award ceremony, please ask someone to accept it on your behalf. If no one is available to pick the trophy, you may request us:
    1. To transport the trophy and arrange to pick it from Bay Area Chess Center at 2050 Concourse Drive Unit #42, San Jose, CA 95131 (map) within one week of the tournament. The fees for this service is $10.
    2. To ship the trophy by paying the shipping costs.
  • Electronic Devices

    • Please turn off all phones in the playing area.
    • The TD may forfeit anyone found operating a phone during an active game.
    Electronic Recording Devices:
    • Please come to the registration desk 20 minutes before your first round to get an Authorization Tag for any electronic recording device before using it.
    • The TD may confiscate any devices without an Authorization Tag.
  • Fees

    One-Day Sections (Sat or Sun) 53
    Two-Day Sections (Sat and Sun) 69
    2 One-Day Sections (Sat and Sun) 79
    FIDE (Sat and Sun) 75
    Blitz (Fri) 15
    Bughouse (Sat) 15
    Play-up fee 15 (see 1)
    CalChess Membership (reqd.) 5 for 1 year(see 2)
    US Chess Membership (reqd.) 17 / 22 / 26 for 1 year (3)
    Late Fee 3/1-3/7 +10
    3/8-3/10 +20
    3/11-3/13 (3pm) +30
    After 3/13 (3pm) +40
    Onsite +40 (4)
    Refund/Cancel Fee: Same as current late fee (starting 3/1) except no refund after 3/13 3pm
    Change Fee Until 3/7: +5
    After 3/7: ½ of current late fee
    1. Play-up fee is only for playing up in a higher rated section - playing in a section with higher grade range is FREE!
    2. Confirm current memberships at BayAreaChess.com/calchess
    3. US Chess Annual Membership is based on age (12 & under = 17, 13-15 = 22, 16-24 = 26)
      Confirm BayAreaChess.com/uscfid
    4. Please register by 3/14 3pm to guarantee playing in the first round. Players registering onsite will get a ½ point bye for the first round (unless we can find a game for them).
  • Accessibility Information

    We are dedicated to making all our events accessible and inclusive for everyone. Please inform us at least two weeks before the tournament if you have any special requirements during the tournament. We will attempt to make reasonable and fair accommodations. We thank you for your continued support in making our events the happiest place on Earth.
  • Membership Requirements

    Both CalChess & USCF memberships are required to play in this event. Please renew your membership when you register or you will have to pay $10 extra fee to renew onsite.
  • Staff

    • Chief Organizer: Salman Azhar
    • Other Organizers: Zarina Azman, James Bethany, Rahima Azman, Svetlana Kondakova
    • Chief Tournament Directors: National TD Tom Langland, National TD John McCumiskey
    • Other Tournament Directors: National TD Richard Koepcke, Senior TD Jordan Langland, Arthur Liou, Michael D'Alfonsi, Elena Kondakova, Ryan Cottone, Brendyn Estolas, Matt LeForce, Andrew Mueckenberger, and many others.
  • Team Rooms

    • 201 Available (click here to request)
    • 203 Bay Area Chess
    • 205 King's Land Chess
    • 206 Weibel Elementary (paid)
    • 207 Berkeley Chess School
    • 208 Marin Chess
    • 211 SVSCL
    • 212 Mission San Jose Elementary
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Got questions? You are not alone! This event is overwhelming for most people. Let's see if we can help.
    1. Don't have a USCF ID? You can purchase it on the registration page.
    2. What is a section? A section is a group of players by their grade level or age. There are 25 sections. Players will play a different player in each round of the same section.
    3. Can I play in a section that is a different grade or a different rating range? You may play in any section in a higher grade range (for FREE) or a higher rating range (with $15 play-up fee). You may not play in a lower grade range or lower rating range.
    4. Can an unrated player play in a section defined by a rating range? We strongly recommend that you play in at least one tournament if you do not want to play in the unrated section. You may request an exception if you have played in a tournament before. However, the tournament director must approve that.
    5. Does a losing players go home? No! All players play all games regardless of whether they win or lose.
    6. Who earns a trophy? All players with a plus-score (more wins than losses) gets a trophy. That is 3 points in 5 games, 3.5 points in 6 games, etc. (Win counts as 1 point, draw as ½ point, and loss as 0 point). In case 2 or more players have the same number of points, tie-breakers are used to determine which place they earn. Generally speaking, tie-breakers measure the strength of a player's opponents using various mathematical formulae. See CalChess Scholastic regulations for more information.
    7. Who gets a medal? All players get a commemorative medal.
    8. Who gets a team trophy? Two players from the same school (or club) in the same section form a school (or club) team. We take care of everything if you inform us about your school and/or club (preferably at registration). A team's scores is the sum of its top 4 players' scores. A player can play for a school as well as a club. A player can play for a school as well as a club (and their points count in both the school and the club points).
    9. Can't find your answer? Please contact us with player's Grade and USCF ID and we can help.
  • Preliminary Orientation Information

    1. We strongly recommend that you register online before the event.
    2. When you arrive, check for your name on the list in your section's roster and confirm that all information is correct, including name, ID #, grade, team, etc. If there are errors, report to Chess Control table ASAP.
    3. If you have not registered yet, find the Chess Control table and fill out all the needed forms.
    4. When the "Pairings" are up, you will them online and on the wall. This announcement typically comes + or - 15 minutes from the scheduled starting time for the games (aka round). Pairings will be posted ONLINE first and then on the wall.
    5. Locate the pairing chart for your section and find your name. This will specify the board, color, and opponent for your upcoming game. Go to the board and the correct side of the board and wait for your opponent.
    6. When your opponent arrives, introduce yourself and confirm their name matches the pairing chart. Set the chess clock, if either player wants has one that they want to use.
    7. When the TD (tournament director) directs you to start, shake your opponent's hand and begin your game.
    8. All spectators typically are outside the playing hall during the game.
    9. After the game is finished:
      1. Fill out the result slip.
      2. Raise your hand, and a TD will come to record your result.
      3. Reset the board and place the King of the winning player in the center of the board. In case of a draw, please both Kings in the center of the board.
      4. Take your result slip to the scorers' table and report your result and leave the playing hall.
    10. When the results are posted, verify your game's result before the next round starts. The result will have a letter follow by a number of the opponent you played in the previous round(s). The letter means:
      1. W means you won.
      2. D means a draw.
      3. L means you lost.
    11. Got questions? Please contact us with player's Grade and USCF ID and we can tell you which section.

Terms and Conditions
 - Refund policy - Accessibility & Special Accommodation