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2021 California Class Warfare Championship
A National Heritage Event with Free Parking!
Free CalChess Membership for all registered players over 14 years (or their parent for under 14)
Adults (all) & K-12 1000+ on November 26-28 or 27-28
Scholastic (K-12 under 1400) on November 26
at Santa Clara Convention Center (map | park free!)
Guest Rooms $99 only at Santa Clara Marriott (map | reserve online or call 408.988.1500 and ask for Bay Area Chess Discount)Quick Links to Navigate This Page:
General Info. | Registration | Prize Fund & Awards | Discounts & Passes | Sections & Schedule
General Information
What's New
- A record $20,000 prize fund (b/ 247 entries)
- Contactless scholastic awards & BA€oin leaderboard
- Creative discounts (e.g., All Access Passes)
- COVID-19 protocols based on current guidelines
- 7 rounds of G/90 +30 in the regular/adult section
Financial Transparency
The struggle is real, and so is inflation. The bad news is that the expenses and fees have increased. The good news is that the prize fund has also increased proportionately.
Class Warfare Prize Fund
$20,000 b/247 paid entriesSection Eligibility 1st 2nd 3rd MX (2100+)
FIDE & USCF ratedAll $2,000 $1,000 $500 u 2200 $700 $300 $200 XA (1900-2099)
FIDE & USCF ratedAll $1,500 $700 $300 u 2000 $700 $300 $200 AB (1700-1899)
FIDE & USCF ratedAll $1,000 $500 $200 u 1800 $700 $300 $200 BC (1500-1699)
FIDE & USCF ratedAll $1,000 $500 $200 u 1600 $700 $300 $200 CD (1200-1499) All $1,000 $500 $200 u 1300 $700 $300 $200 Eu (u1200
& unr.)All $1,000 $500 $200 u 1100 $700 $300 $200 New & Unrated players: Max prize $300 (except in the Open Section).
Small sections may be merged.
Class Warfare Blitz Prize Fund
70% of entry fees returned as prizes! -
Scholastic Championship
Upto 50 BA€ions- 10 BA€ions/point (note: 4 extra BA€ions/point)
- Minimum 3 BA€ions for the tournament
Scholastic Blitz
Upto 60 BA€ions- 6 BA€ions/point (note: 10 games)
- Minimum 3 BA€ions for the tournament
Contactless Awards with BA€oins
As you you can see, we are continuing with BA€oin awards based on:
- Parents' community feedback (until it is safer for us to distribute physical prizes)
- Children's love for BA€oin Leaderboard
Registration Information
Register ASAP because the registration may close at any time due to health and safety protocols!-
Class Warfare Open & Blitz Fees
Member Non-member Entry 111 153 Entry (Econ) 83 111 Entry Blitz 25 33 - Play-up Fee: +35 (Double play-up not available)
- Late Fees: +11 11/22 | +22 11/23-25 | +42 after 11/25 & onsite
- Blitz Late Fees: +10 after 11/27 & onsite
Scholastic Championship & Blitz Fees
Member Non-member Entry 44 59 Blitz 20 27
- Play-up Fee: +20 Double play-up not available
- Late Fees: +10 11/22 | +22 11/23-25 | +33 after 11/25 & onsite
- Blitz Late Fees: +10 after 11/5 & onsite
Save with All Access Passes [available until Sun 11/21]
Get 50% discount on Blitz with the
Open All Access PassMember Non-member All Access
(Regular)127 169 All Access
(Econ)96 128 - Open Championship [153 | Econ 111]
- Blitz [33]
Get $53 discount with the
Scholastic All Access PassMember Non-member All Access 133 177 Friday Access 55 73 - Scholastic Championship [59]
- Scholastic Blitz [27]
- Open Championship [2-day econ 111]*
- Open Blitz [33]*
General Registration Information
- Cancel/Change Fee: Same as late fee
- No refunds after 11/22
- Request changes/corrections
- Contact us for any questions or suggestions
General Post-Registration Information
- Check entries to confirm registration after 11/23 (Request changes/corrections)
- Add @bayareachess.com to safe senders to receive orientation emails
- Reconfirm the email address and other information in your profile
- Please check this page on the November 24 for orientation information
Sections, Schedule, and Time Controls
Regular Schedule & Time Controls
(Friday-Sunday or Saturday-Sunday)Round
NumberSchedule 2-day
(Fri-Sun)1 Sat 9:00a Fri 12:30p 2 Sat 11:15a Fri 5:00p 3 Sat 1:30p Sat 9:00a 4 Sat 3:45p Sat 1:30p Sections Merge in Round 5 5 Sat 6:10p 6 Sun 10:00a 7 Sun 2:30p - Time Control
- 3-day schedule: All rounds = G/90 +30
- 2-day schedule: Rounds 1-4 = G/50 +5; Rounds 5-7 = G/90 +30
- 2-day and 3-day schedules merge in Round 5 and compete for the same prizes.
- Sections: See Prize Fund.
Regular Blitz Schedule & Time Controls (Sunday)
- Mandatory Check-in by 7pm
- 10 rounds (games)
- Time Control: G/5 d1 (5 mins/game & a delay of 1 secs/move for both players)
- Sections of 6 players based on US Chess rating
- Time Control
Scholastic Championship Schedule & Time Controls
(Friday)Round 1-day 1 Fri 9a 2 Fri 10:40a Lunch Break 3 Fri 12:30p 4 Fri 2p 5 Fri 3:30p - Time Control: G/30 d5 (30 mins/game & a delay of 5 secs/move for both players)
- Sections based on US Chess rating:
- Elite: 1000-1399
- Champ: 700-999
- Premier: 400-699
- Booster: under 400 & unrated
Scholastic Blitz Schedule & Time Controls
(Friday)- Mandatory Check-in by 4:45pm
- 10 games (rounds)
- Time Control: G/5 d1 (5 mins/game & a delay of 1 secs/move for both players)
- Sections of 6 players based on US Chess rating
What's Expected
- Come as you are! We welcome all players ragardless of their rating and playing level.
- USCF membership is required, and you must renew/signup with your tournament registration so we can process and reconcile.
- November 2021 Supp, BAC min, CCA min, and TD discretion will be used to place players accurately.
- 1/2-point byes available for all rounds based on the following conditions:
- 1/2-point byes in the last 2 rounds must be requested before the start of Round 2
- 1/2-point byes in all other rounds must be requested 1 hour before that round's start
- 0-point byes available for all rounds (and must be requested ASAP).
- We may adjust round times if needed (but it is unlikely).